Photo Album

Pink Day for Red Ribbon Week
Pink Day for Red Ribbon Week
Wear Pink Day for Red Ribbon Week
Wearing Pink for Red Ribbon Week
Spirit Week
Pink Day
Pink Day
Ms. Scovish as Barbie
Ms. Beams and Mr. Maz Barbie & Ken Day
Teachers in the Barbie Spirit
Dress to Impress Day
Dress to Impress Day
Dress to Impress
Dress to Impress
Student in a suit for Dress to Impress
A student wearing a suit for Dress to Impress Day
Mrs. Bascetta for Dress Like a Student Day
Mrs. Discuillo and Ms. Carvalho on Dress Like a Student DAy
Staff in Room 6 on Dress Like a Student Day
Students on Pink Day
Dress like a Student Day with Mr. Gwudz and Mrs. Lilienthal
Spirit Day
Spirit Day Pep Rally
Student with a Wolf Mascot at Pep Rally
Student Council Members selling swag for Red Ribbon Week
Two students dressed for spirit week.
Students dressed for spirit week.
Students dressed for spirit week.
Two students dressed for spirit day.
Two students dressed for school spirit day.
Students dressed for school spirit day.
Students dressed for school spirit day.