Leonard J. Tyl Middle School Home

Our Vision

The mission of Leonard J. Tyl Middle School is to educate the whole child: intellectual, physical, emotional, social, cultural and artistic.  The school community encourages and challenges the child to strive for excellence in all these realms and endeavors to foster an enduring love of learning.
Middle school children are at a unique developmental state.  Their view of the world is immediate and personal, and their learning styles range from concrete to abstract.  The typical middle school student arrives a child and leaves an adolescent.  Physical changes mirror less visible emotional and cognitive changes. During the middle school years, roles and attitudes regarding family, peers, and teachers are in a process of evolution.  Middle school students, both fragile and malleable, need the opportunity to still be children as they are guided toward responsible maturity. 
Tyl Middle School has a curriculum based upon national standards and benchmark assessments.  Learning styles are individual.  Therefore, teachers assist students in developing strengths while improving upon areas of weakness.  The school provides an environment in which students develop a comprehensive literacy.  The curriculum fosters the growth of a positive work ethic which is recognized and rewarded in all areas.
Building strong relationships with the community enhances the growth of all students.  The school encourages open communication among students, school personnel, and parents.  Parental support is valued as a vital resource in the education of children.  The community of Leonard J. Tyl Middle School creates an environment that enables its students to become productive members of a democratic society, fostering responsible citizenship in a culturally diverse nation. 
2025 Tyl Girls Basketball Team
Tyl Boys Basketball Team
7th Grade Tyl Way Awards

Tyl Way Awards 7th Grade

Girls on the Run Club at the Turkey Trot Race

Girls on the Run Race

Badminton Champs
Student Services with all the Emotions
6th Grade Tyl Way Awards

Tyl Way Awards 6th Grade

8th Grade Tyl Way Awards

Tyl Way Awards 8th Grade

Girls Cross Country Meet

Cross Country

Goodspeed Opera House Trip

Chorus and Drama to Goodspeed Opera House

Cross Country 2024

Cross Country Team

Boys Basketball 2024
Girls Basketball 2024
Squid Dissection with Mrs. Dunn

Grade 7 students dissect squid in Mrs. Dunn's class. 

Mrs. Dunn's Science Class Squid Lab

Mrs. Dunn's Squid Lab for Science

School spirit day.

School Spirit Day

Red Ribbon Week Barbie Day
Red Ribbon Week Spirit Day
Chamber Choir

Chorus Concert

Coach Occhialini gives a pep talk during game


Policy Committee Meeting

Time: 5:15 PM – 6 PM
Location: Superintendent's Large Conference Room, Board of Education Office

Policy Committee Meeting

Time: 5:15 PM – 6 PM
Location: Superintendent's Large Conference Room, Board of Education Office

Policy Committee Meeting

Time: 5:15 PM – 6 PM
Location: Superintendent's Large Conference Room, Board of Education Office

Policy Committee Meeting

Time: 5:15 PM – 6 PM
Location: Superintendent's Large Conference Room, Board of Education Office

Policy Committee Meeting

Time: 5:15 PM – 6 PM
Location: Superintendent's Large Conference Room, Board of Education Office

Policy Committee Meeting

Time: 5:15 PM – 6 PM
Location: Superintendent's Large Conference Room, Board of Education Office

Policy Committee Meeting

Time: 5:15 PM – 6 PM
Location: Superintendent's Large Conference Room, Board of Education Office
  • 2,017 Students
  • 8 Schools/Programs
  • $19,404 Per Pupil Expenditure
  • 228 Full-time Certified Staff
  • 93.4% Students taking courses promoting college and career readiness
  • 95.5% MHS Graduation Rate
  • 27 Sports Teams

Montville Public Schools

Montville Public Schools is comprised of three neighborhood elementary schools (K-5), one middle school (6-8), and one high school (9-12) with an offsite alternative high school program.  The district offers a pre-K and transition program for residents of Montville based on need.

MPS offers a rigorous academic program with a wide variety of course selections.  Athletics, extracurricular clubs, art, music, and theater options are available to allow students to pursue their interests beyond the school day.

News & Announcements

PowerSchool Logo

PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident Update

Yesterday, January 29, 2025, PowerSchool initiated the process of notifying individuals whose information was determined to be involved. Please see click on this article for more information.

Form to Identify Transportation Needs for 2024-2025 School Year

The form to Identify Transportation Needs for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. Please submit your transportation requests no later than July 12th, 2024. This submission is mandatory to ensure transportation arrangements are made for your child if no transportation is needed or different than home address. Please remember each child will need a form filled out.
Tyl MIddle School Building

Principal's Message

Principal Gregory Gwudz

Welcome to Leonard J. Tyl Middle School, we are thrilled you are here! Middle school is such an important and exciting time for students as they transition from the nurturing environment of elementary school to the rigors of high school.  Our caring and talented staff at Tyl work tirelessly to help meet the needs of all students during these important years.  
Tyl’s core values are centered on Respect, Responsibility, Pride and Safety- together those values encompass the Tyl Way.  These values, coupled with a commitment to a strong partnership with you as parents/guardians, as well as the entire Montville community, help to ensure our students grow into well rounded, independent and responsible citizens.  
As a Montville graduate, the opportunity to lead an amazing school like Tyl, in such a caring and supportive community, is something that gives me great pride. 
On behalf of the Tyl Middle School administration, faculty, and staff, we look forward to working with you.
Boys Cross Country Members
Student with Wolf Mascot
Salmon Release Field Trip